Thursday, July 10, 2008


My sister Wendy came to visit us from Arizona and as an added treat, the rest of my sisters, their kids and my mom came to crash at our house. It was supposed to be for just one night, but we had so much fun I convinced them to stay for a second one. It was great to have them all here.

The first day here we set up Tanner's pool and slide the kids had a great time.

The second day we went up to the mountains to go fishing and enjoy the cooler weather. This little lake is about 30 minutes from our house. Brian caught one fish for each kid and let Andrew throw them back he was so gentle with them (not) that we were surprised that only one ended up coming home with us for dinner.

Just before they left we posed for a couple of pictures. It only took me two tries to get all of the kids to look at the camera! It was so fun I hope they will come back soon. (Yes even you Sara)


Burke and Hayley said...

Isn't spending time with family the best! I am so glad that you are closer to fam now even though I wish you still were out here in Ohio with us. Just know that we miss you guys a lot and hopefully we can get together when we come to Utah next! Love all of your cute pics and the new background to your blog! You are a pro now! Tell Brian and T hi for us!

Jessica said...

How great to have spent some fun time with your family. I am so happy that you guys are able to live so close to them. Cute pictures.

Ben and Michelle said...

How fun, I love it when family visits. I hope you guys are enjoying your new place.