Friday, June 13, 2008

Big Boy Bed

So I have really been dreading Tanner's move to a toddler bed. I was sure he would take some time to adjust to it, by getting up in the night two or three times, kicking at his door, and or refusing to take his naps. What was I going to do with no sleep at night and no break during the day (I know life is pretty tough with one kid). Anyway after the move we converted his crib to a toddler bed and.... he loves it! He doesn't get out of it unless we come and get him out. He also runs in it when it is time to go to bed or take a nap. A couple of days ago he shut himself in his room, when I went to check up on him he was in his bed just chilling. Up next: potty training!


Vanessa said...

that is so great! i have been dreading putting sam into one, too, i figure after the move i will do it. i'm sure he won't do as well as tanner did though! what a good boy!

Jessica said...

So cute!! I am not quite ready for Seth to go into a big boy bed yet. Hummm. . . and I don't know when I will be.