July really slipped away from me and I didn't get a chance to blog about some of the great things we did this month, so I decided to make a top 10 list. This list includes both the great and not so great things I remember about July.
1. Brian started working at his 0wn practice yipeee
2. We went camping with a couple siblings from my family and B's.
3. While we were trying to get to a great fishing hole (really I think Brian just wanted to test the jeep's 4 wheel drive abilities) Tyler got his parents Explorer high centered.
Good thing we had a tow cable with us in the jeep. I think the guys loved the adventure, some of the girls were a little concerned at the situation.
4. Probably my worst memory for July took place on the 4th. Our wonderful little town has a breakfast at 7:00 in the morning for everyone. Apparently in order to make sure everyone makes it, they start firing cannons and turing on sirens at 6:00 IN THE MORNING ON THE 4TH OF JULY OUR DAY OFF TO SLEEP IN. I am still really tempted to find out who is in charge of the ordeal and let them know that I have an alarm clock, and I will set it myself should I desire to eat their breakfast. (By the way Brian thought it was hilarious and just kept laughing at me about it all day)

5. I found two decent places to run, mild hills and no mean dogs.
6. We went to two rodeos, one was a home town not the greatest, the other was pretty great. Both rodeos have inspired Brian and Tanner to do a lot of bull riding.

7. Brian nearly killed us off. We went on a nice drive up to a new canyon near our home. Well it had just rained and was really muddy up near the top of the canyon our jeep fishtailed and came inches from going off the side of the road. I have never been so scared in my life. Brian was even a little worried so I knew we were in rough shape for awhile.

8. I got to visit with some Utah friends that I haven't seen in a couple of years. It was great to catch up with them.
9. I missed visiting with my Ohio friends.
10. I made it through the first trimester of my second pregnancy. I feel soooo much better now. We are expecting our new bundle at the end of January.
Well that is about it, hopefully I will be able to keep up better in August.
We were so happy to see you in July. We had so much fun camping and playing with you. Congrats, when B called us the other day I told Tyler I bet she is expecting! We are so happy for you. :) You hid it well while we were in Utah.
I did'nt realize the first picture was of Loreen, I was thinking which one of b's patients would let him take a picture!
Never leave home with out a tow cable!!!! And Congrats on the big NEWS!! I don't know if that was the first announcement or if I just missed it anyways I'm so excited for you guys.
Finally, you outed your secret. I don't know why you try to keep it in for so long. You look great in your pics though. Miss ya, m.
WOW, congrats on the big news! Sounds like things are going really well for you guys!
hey congratulations karen! Is tanner excited?
and that is funny stuff about the cannons and sirens at 6am. I think i would definitely find out who's behind that madness and give them a piece of my mind!
it looks like you guys are doing really well, i'm glad!
I am so glad you are haveing such a fun time. I am extremely jealous that Brian is working. I can't wait until the day Ben finally finishes school. Miss you
The big news is out! Congrats again, me and Burke are really excited for the new bundle of joy to get here. Sounds like you had a fun July even though we missed you lots out here in Ohio!!!
Congrats on the new little one on the way! That is so exciting.
B: great news on the newest addition! I always thought all small towns do the cannon thing. Thinking about 4th of July Cannons makes me think about sausage and pancakes...mmm...p a n c a k e s...
Karen I am so happy for your family. It sounds like you are having a great time.I am thrilled about the new baby!
Congrats on your great news!! January is a great time to have a baby. I am so glad that you are feeling better.
Sounds like you guys had a great July!! Take care.
Karen! Congrats on the baby! That is so exciting! Hope all is well in Utah. We finally made it to AK last week and are still surviving. Great places to run here, wish you were here to run them with! maybe sometime next sumemr?:) Tell Brian Rich says hi! Miss you guys!
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