Old News
Tanner and I went to Disneyland with some friend from here. We had a blast.
This summer we took a family vacation that didn't involve mountains or fishing.
First we hit Yellowstone National Park.
Tanner and Brielle have become the best of friend (and sometimes worst of enemies). On this trip they insisted on sleeping in the same bed every night. It was so cute.
Next we went to Glacier National Park.
We took a little hike to this waterfall. It was so gorgeous. I can't wait to go back when our kids are older so we can do some serious hiking.
Finally, we stayed a night with Grandma GG and Lloyd.
I was terrified of a really long car ride home with two little kids, but they did great. Portable DVD players are the best thing ever.
Newer News
We are finishing up the harvest of our garden. It did really well this year.
This is our freaky carrot and huge potato. We even got a carrot that was the perfect hour glass figure of a woman, which one of us just couldn't get over. Sorry folks I didn't get a picture. I think we also have a two or three year supply of pickles and frozen zucchini.
Finally we are expecting our third little one. I am due in the beginning of March. I have my ultrasound in two weeks. B doesn't want to find out what we are going to have. I am undecided. We will see if he can convince me in the next couple of weeks. I have also just gotten braces (which are still killing me),and am in the middle of filling a long term substitution at the Elementary School. Hopefully that explains a little bit of my blog neglect.